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Showing posts from October, 2015

How to set the URL for Blogger posts

This article shows how to use the Permalink options to control the URL used for a post in your blog. URLs and Blog Posts When you first publish a post in blogger, an URL (called a permalink in blogger) is automatically generated for that post. It looks like: www.yourDomain/yyyy/mm/WORDS-ABOUT-MY-POST In this URL: yourDomain is either your custom domain (eg or your blogspot domain if you aren't using a custom domain at the time (eg yyyy/mm is the year and month of the post's original publication date. Years ago, Blogger chose the WORDS-ABOUT-YOUR-MY based on the title, or the first words in the post if the title was blank. They used some rules eg leaving out "the" and other common words, and putting numbers on the end so that every post has a unique URL (called a "permalink" in Blogger). However Blogger have now provided a tool that lets you choose the WORDS-ABOUT-YOUR-POST separately from the post...

How to change or remove the Newer Post and Older Posts links

This article explains how to hide or change the format of the "Older Posts" and "Newer Post" and "Home" links that are shown at the b ottom of Blogger blogs with Layout or Designer templates. Why are the older and newer posts links used Most designer and layout templates have links at the bottom of your page of blog posts which let readers navigate back and forward among the list of posts. This is basic to how a blog is intended to work:  you post regularly, and give people a way to get back to previous posts. The pager-links are particularly important on pages that are reached using the Label or Archive gadgets, which may show more posts than you normally have on your home page, or displaying in your blog. But some people want to remove them - and this is fine provided readers have other ways of navigating around the blog. How to remove "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" from your blog To totally remove these items, you just add some new...