This Quick-Tip is about using the Creative Kit, which has been giving me grief recently when I tried to use it from Picasa-web-albums. Sept 2013 update: Creative Kit has now been totally discontinued. Use either Picasa-web-albums or the Google+ photo editor instead. For ages, I've occasionally used the photo-editor in Picasa-web-albums (the online version of Picasa ) to edit photos that I've already uploaded, and want to change without changing the URL. This editor was originally Picnik - until Google sold that product and replaced it with Creative Kit a while ago. This has sometimes been slow, which was annoying, but I put up with it because it was just so useful. But recently it stopped working totally: it would load, the progress-bar would get about half-way along the screen, and then hang, with a message: We noticed Picnik is loading slowly. It’s possible waiting may solve this issue. If you’re still having trouble: [t1] Click for Assistance» Wait...
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